We had a great trip to Pittsburgh again at the end of October to celebrate Kelsey’s birthday. A requisite visit to the Phipps Conservatory was in order and the Fall show was outstanding! I have never seen so many varieties of chrysanthemum and all were beautifully displayed. Did you know that there is a hanging basket type? It was gorgeous drooping from the wall planters and, of course, the hanging baskets.
The usual plantings were interspersed with the seasonal displays and every time we go, it looks different, yet the same. It would be an incredible place for someone who loves plants like I do to work.
A note before viewing the slideshow: In slide #4, the plant with the unusual bright red cone-like center is a Zululand cycad. This plant is native to Mozambique in South Africa. Its leaf fronds resemble a holly fern and it has both a male and a female form. This one is a female as it has only one central cone and is stemless (sessile). The male bears several cones on short stalks and is somewhat less colorful.

They do such beautiful displays at the Phipps, don’t they?